How Choosing the Right Color Scheme Can Elevate Your Photo Shoot

When my friend Silke from Zebrajojo Photography suggested to me to write a blog about the best colours that would help her clients shine and help them highlight their best features during a photoshoot for their brand or portrait, I didn’t even hesitate!

So, here we are! And what better way to start the year than talking to you about one of my favourite topics and passions: COLOURS.

Research has shown that colour is the first thing that is noticed about a person. Using colours that are unflattering to your personal colouring, body shape or professional appearance can sabotage your outfit efforts and consequently your overall image, as it can, for example, inadvertently make you look tired or pale.

Therefore, wearing colours that suit you best will make you appear younger and dynamic, energetic and healthy, exciting and alive…

In addition to that, did you know that colours influence you decisively in how you look, the effects you evoke on others and consequently how others perceive you? Take a look at the image below, to see the multiple effects colours have on others:

Therefore, it is important to know which ones are “your best colours”.

By this, I mean that each person can use hundreds of colours and all the ones they like, but there are certain aspects you should be aware of: 

  • The intensity (The clearness or cleanliness of the colour, or is it dull or muted?)

  • The value (degree on lightness and darkness)

  • Temperature (degree on warmth or coolness)

Accordingly, the way you apply colour to your body can create a mirage of illusion, some colours will make you look smaller, others bigger, some taller and others shorter.

Thus, it is crucial to know what you want to convey and what your goals are.

As today’s blog is the first one of the year, I want to give you a “super bonus” which is why I’m also going to talk about UNIVERSAL colours.

Those colours that suit everyone, as they:

  • Contain certain elements of both warm and cool tones

  • Are either very bright/clear and not dull/muted

  • Are of medium-light to medium-dark value

These colours can be found year after year in every collection. And as a little pro-tip: They are a great option to use, when in doubt!

There are hundreds of universal colours, but here are some of them, to give you a small feel of what they look like:

I hope this information is useful to you! That you find it practical, easy to apply and that it serves you in such a way that the next time you have to stand in front of the camera, you will be able to know which colours will benefit you the most, what message you will be conveying and how to strike your best pose and be able to purely enjoy the moment!

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact me, so we can do a thorough Colour Analysis and discover which colours suit you best!

For now, I wish you a fantastic start into 2021! All the best for this new year full of opportunities and I hope to seeing you soon!

All the best,



Red: A Colour that awakens your senses


2020 is almost over, what are your plans for 2021?