Shine this Holiday Season!

This is the last blog of 2022! How quickly time has passed!

Throughout the year we have seen in the fashion industry trends with positive and bright colours, signifying optimism and positivism after these uncertain time!

Colours send messages and communicate, that's why it's so important to know ourselves and choose the ones that suit us best, to feel authentic!

I always say: "In fashion what suits you". The important thing is that if you want to experiment with a mini trend or trends such as sequin, shiny fabrics, metallics that are ideal for this Christmas season, choose styles considering 3 basic keys:

  • Don't dress up, be true to your personal style.

  • If you experiment with something different, start with the clothes or accessories you already have in your wardrobe, combine them in different ways using your creativity. We help the environment by being sustainable and giving a second and third life to those orphans that are in the wardrobe.

  • Use colours, fabrics, textures and styles that are comfortable, that make you look authentic, that reflect your true essence.

Enjoy the festive season with family, colleagues and friends.

Merry Christmas! See you in 2023!

Best regards,



Visual success, your image matters!


Statement piece: A piece that invites you into conversation!